Getting Off Risperidone How Long Does It Take For Medication To Get Out Of The Body ?

How long does it take for medication to get out of the body ? - getting off risperidone

I was given injections of 50 mg of risperidone every two weeks.

It made me gain about fifty pounds.

I am far from it for three months, but the weight has emerged despite a bike 20 miles a day. I can still feel the drug / poison in my urine.

How long does it take to leave the body?


Anonymous said...

Wikipedia lists the half-life of 3-20 hours, which means that the number is the active drug in his system, it is reduced by half every 3-20 hours. Assuming the worst 20 hours means that it (a minimum of drugs on the left side about 3% of original amount) to left after 5 half-lives (100 hours, about 4 days). (You calculate this by taking the average life of the option to 5 of 5 half-lives of 0.03 or 3%.)

If you were given 50 mg every two weeks would not significantly accumulated in the body, because it would have almost all less than one weeks metabolize after each shot.

However, it is possible that you are a "poor metabolizers". The drug is metabolized or degraded by enzymes in the LIver. If you have liver disease or just a natural variation in liver enzymes, it can be much slower elimination of drugs than most people. All of this is questionable, and you should see your doctor for medical advice.

michele said...

What the drug as a substitute for Risperdol taken? Except in very rare (liver problems, perhaps), should Risperdol long gone now. Perhaps your current medication is weight gain is a side effect, too.

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